Creative women working together to deliver unique solutions for your business
Who we are
Nice to meet you, we're Purpurina.
If the future we want involves more representative spaces for women, Purpurina wants to start building it through what we see, feel and inspire. By applying the tools of communication, marketing and branding, enhanced by multiple and diverse perspectives of an all-female team, we aim to strengthen brands and projects, whether conceived, built or dreamed up by and for women. Because we understand that we are better together, and every project is unique, we bring together professionals with various specialties, identities and accents to form teams that are just the right fit for delivering exclusive projects, designed for you and with you.
Watch the full version of our manifesto:

Julia Casotti is a journalist, the founder and creative director of Purpurina, with experience in strategic communication, cultural projects, and female entrepreneurship. She primarily works in the fields of Music, Cinema, Literature, and Female Entrepreneurship. She holds a Master's degree in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity from PUC-Rio and completed a summer course in Branding at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Julia has worked as a reporter for A Gazeta newspaper (ES) in the Culture department and has been involved in various communication consultancy projects in Rio de Janeiro. She is interested in cultural movements, in the city and in life outside (preferably in the streets and with glitter).


30 professionals and counting...
Adriana Dieuzeide specialist in organizational culture, internal communication and writing Aïcha Barat editor, curator and cultural producer Alessandra Braz press officer, producer and booker Ana Portela designer and photographer Ananda Costa composer and visual artist Ariane Cor programmer and designer Cheyenne Santos Marketing specialist and brand strategist Cibelly Chaves illustrator and designer Clariza Rosa strategy, sprint leadership, creative impact and diversity consulting Daniela Alboretti interpreter, translator and proofreader Élida Aquino process manager, mentor, researcher and communication consultant Feiga Fiszon Portuguese proofreader and English translator Fernanda Burzaca press officer and researcher Fernanda Müller designer and video maker Gabriela Fernandes content writer specialist Gabriela Leal copywriter and UX writer, specialist in culture and technology Gabriela Melatte publicist and performance specialist Helena Gusmao journalist, fashion and content producer, strategic communication planner, consultant and project manager Iara Sa specialist in production and content and management of social networks Juliana Colinas director, photographer, videomaker and editor Larissa Fernandes media and performance specialist Larissa Gouveia designer and strategic marketing specialist Larissa Pelosi media and performance specialist Leticia Bernardo designer, illustrator and collagist Livia Carvalho specialist in digital marketing, branding and creative planning Mariana Machadocopywriter Marília Ceres content writer and strategist Melina Furlan photographer and videographer Nathalia Pompermaier SEO specialist and digital content production Nayara Perone programmer and designer Thassiana Carias journalist, specialist in entertainment management, content creator and press officer Veronica Machado planner and social media and many others!

Diverse in accents, experiences, age groups, backgrounds, affections, race and identity